Marriage Counseling Help In San Francisco

The phrase “In sickness and in health, till death do us part” in marriage isn’t so sacred, nor is it so lasting in today’s world. Statistics show that less than half of all marriages end up in painful divorce, which shows the impermanence of what we thought of as a lasting commitment. Fortunately, marriage counseling proves that there’s still hope for couples who wish to save their marriage in San Francisco.

What drives a marriage into a road of breakup? Some experts state that some marriages could have been saved if only the couples themselves recognize the warning signs and get immediate help. While that holds some truth, the problem is that it isn’t always easy to spot the danger early on in the relationship. Even the best and the most loving couples have small disagreements here and there. Arguments such as what name should be given to their firstborn, or where should they go to eat dinner isn’t reason to seek professional help, but if these “minor” occurrences keep happening on a daily basis, then there might be a serious, underlying issue.

Unhappiness in marriage can start when either partner feels they are contributing more than the other person. This can take the form of bringing in more income, unequal sharing of child care, or someone who’s getting the lion’s share of household chores and responsibilities. It’s a slow poison that can end the relationship if not addressed immediately. Constant and hostile disagreements are also an indication of an unhealthy marriage, more so if these spats aren’t resolved or there’s no effort to diffuse the festering problem.

Marriage counseling and seeking the help of a professional doesn’t always solve each and every marital issue. Sometimes, a marriage might even be better off if dissolved. What marriage counselors in San Francisco can and usually do is to bring to light the true situation a couple has found themselves in, offering solutions that can bring the marital dilemma to a satisfying end. When you start to see the undeniable warning signs of relationship problems, or have been keeping quiet about marital issues for a time now, seek counseling as soon as you can. Visiting a marriage counselor’s office doesn’t mean that it’s the end for you or your marriage. You still have the power to save your ailing marital relationship, turn it around for the better and come out of it with an even stronger and healthier marriage.

For help, call marriage counselor Patricia Hecht, MFT, at 415-813-0404, or send her a message here.

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