Talk Therapy Helps Anxiety Disorders

Feeling anxious at times is normal for everyone. Anxiety is part of the body’s natural reaction to stress. Anxiety can also be helpful at times, making you more alert and prepared to act.

Anxiety disorders occur when feelings of anxiety such as fear or nervousness start to become an interference with daily life. This is called an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorders are amongst the most common mental health disorders. A variety of anxiety disorders exist including phobias, social anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and obsessive compulsive disorder.

Approximately 15% of people have an anxiety disorder at some point during their life. Women are more likely than men to develop an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders start early in life, and the average age of onset is 11.

The cause of anxiety disorders are probably due to a combination of personal experiences and genetic predispositions. Stressful or dramatic events, such as loss of a job or a divorce, can trigger development of an anxiety disorder.

Treatment of an anxiety disorder with psychotherapy can be extremely effective. Psychotherapy consists of talk therapy with a trained mental health professional. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of psychotherapy commonly used to treat anxiety disorders. It focuses on changing unhealthy patterns of thinking through talk sessions with a trained therapist. During cognitive behavioral therapy, you work with your therapist to develop new techniques for coping with the symptoms of anxiety, and learn how to identify and manage triggers for your anxiety.

You will also learn how to change negative thought patterns which will lessen the symptoms of anxiety over time. You will also learn techniques for relaxation, which will counteract anxiety symptoms when they occur.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is effective but does not work quickly, and requires several months before you start seeing benefits from therapy sessions.

If you are experiencing anxiety to the point where it’s causing problems in your life, call Patricia Hecht MFT at 415-813-0404, to start having effective therapy for your anxiety. You can also reach her through her website.

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